Adams Diversified Equity Fund Inc. (NYSE:ADX)

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Adams Diversified Equity Fund Inc. closed-end management company. The fund focusses on preservation of capital. It invests in stocks of large-cap companies across diversified sectors to make its investments. Adams Diversified Equity Fund Inc, formerly known as The Adams Express Company is based in Baltimore, Maryland....

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Clayton Christensen defines the core dilemma of corporate innovation with sustainable and disruptive advances.

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Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross suggests that 5G remains a U.S. top technology priority in light of the Sprint-T-Mobile telecom merger.

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The current Trump stock market rally has been impressive from November 2016 to October 2017.

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America faces income inequality, political polarization, and dysfunctional governance.

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The modern world's most powerful nations, America and China, stumble into a Thucydides trap.

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The modern world's most powerful nations, America and China, stumble into a Thucydides trap.

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