2019-12-22 08:30:00 Sunday ET
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen now protects the European circular economy and green growth from 2020 to 2050. The new circular economy r
2023-11-07 11:31:00 Tuesday ET
Joel Mokyr suggests that economic growth arises from a change in cultural beliefs toward technological progress. Joel Mokyr (2018) A culture
2017-08-25 13:36:00 Friday ET
The U.S. Treasury's June 2017 grand proposal for financial deregulation aims to remove several aspects of the Dodd-Frank Act 2010 such as annual macro s
2019-10-09 16:46:00 Wednesday ET
IMF chief economist Gita Gopinath indicates that competitive currency devaluation may be an ineffective solution to improving export prospects. In the form
2023-09-21 09:26:00 Thursday ET
Jordi Gali delves into the science of the New Keynesian monetary policy framework with economic output and inflation stabilization. Jordi Gali (2015)
2018-02-01 07:38:00 Thursday ET
U.S. senators urge the Trump administration with a bipartisan proposal to prevent the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from bailing out several countries t