Alliance Resource Partners L.P. Common Units representing Limited Partners Interests (NASDAQ:ARLP)

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The great reversal of antitrust merger review in America

Monica McNeil

2023-10-07 10:24:00 Saturday ET

The great reversal of antitrust merger review in America

Thomas Philippon draws attention to greater antitrust scrutiny in light of the rise of market power and its economic ripple effects. Thomas Philippon (20

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The bank-credit-card model and fintech platforms have adapted well to the recent digitization of cashless finance.

Daphne Basel

2023-11-30 08:29:00 Thursday ET

The bank-credit-card model and fintech platforms have adapted well to the recent digitization of cashless finance.

In addition to the OECD bank-credit-card model and Chinese online payment platforms, the open-payments gateways of UPI in India and Pix in Brazil have adapt

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The McKinsey edge reflects the collective wisdom of key success principles in business management consultancy.

Chanel Holden

2020-11-10 07:25:00 Tuesday ET

The McKinsey edge reflects the collective wisdom of key success principles in business management consultancy.

The McKinsey edge reflects the collective wisdom of key success principles in business management consultancy. Shu Hattori (2015)   The McKins

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The unique controversial management style of Steve Jobs helps translate his business acumen into smart product development.

Dan Rochefort

2020-03-26 10:31:00 Thursday ET

The unique controversial management style of Steve Jobs helps translate his business acumen into smart product development.

The unique controversial management style of Steve Jobs helps translate his business acumen into smart product development. Jay Elliot (2012) Leading

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Anti-competitive corporate practices may stifle U.S. innovation.

Fiona Sydney

2020-01-15 08:31:00 Wednesday ET

Anti-competitive corporate practices may stifle U.S. innovation.

Anti-competitive corporate practices may stifle U.S. innovation. In recent decades, wage growth, economic output, and productivity tend to stagnate as U.S.

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China President Xi tries to ease trade tension between America and China in his Boao presidential address.

Monica McNeil

2018-04-02 07:33:00 Monday ET

China President Xi tries to ease trade tension between America and China in his Boao presidential address.

China President Xi JinPing tries to ease trade tension between America and China in his presidential address at the annual Boao forum. In his vulnerable att

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