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Modern management memes

2020-10-10This ebook delves into the modern collection of prescient actionable business insights with executive annotations and personal reflections.

As of Summer-Fall 2020, this ebook focuses on the recent top 40 books on modern strategic business management practices. The primary topics include lean entrepreneurship, long-term sustainable business management, fundamental f...+See More


Corporate ownership governance theory and practice

Monica McNeil

2022-04-25 10:34:00 Monday ET

Corporate ownership governance theory and practice

Corporate ownership governance theory and practice  The genesis of modern corporate governance and ownership studies traces back to the seminal work

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President Trump seeks to honor his campaign promise of lower U.S. medical costs by forcing higher big-pharma prices in foreign countries.

Charlene Vos

2018-05-07 07:32:00 Monday ET

President Trump seeks to honor his campaign promise of lower U.S. medical costs by forcing higher big-pharma prices in foreign countries.

President Trump seeks to honor his campaign promise of lower U.S. medical costs by forcing higher big-pharma prices in foreign countries such as Canada, Bri

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AYA Analytica podcast provides fresh insights into the latest stock market news, economic trends, and investment portfolio strategies.

Andy Yeh Alpha

2018-11-30 12:42:00 Friday ET

AYA Analytica podcast provides fresh insights into the latest stock market news, economic trends, and investment portfolio strategies.

Andy Yeh Alpha (AYA) AYA Analytica financial health memo (FHM) podcast channel on YouTube November 2018 AYA Analytica is our online regular podcast and news

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Chinese Belt-and-Road funds large international infrastructure investment projects primarily in East Asia, Central Asia, North Africa, and Italy.

Fiona Sydney

2019-04-15 08:37:00 Monday ET

Chinese Belt-and-Road funds large international infrastructure investment projects primarily in East Asia, Central Asia, North Africa, and Italy.

Chinese Belt-and-Road funds large international infrastructure investment projects primarily in East Asia, Central Asia, North Africa, and Italy. Chinese Be

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President-Elect Donald Trump wants Apple and its tech peers to consider better and greater high-tech job creation in America.

James Campbell

2017-01-03 03:26:00 Tuesday ET

President-Elect Donald Trump wants Apple and its tech peers to consider better and greater high-tech job creation in America.

President-Elect Donald Trump wants Apple and its tech peers to consider better and greater high-tech job creation in America. Apple has asked its primary

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A Florida fintech group Fidelity Information Services initiates the largest acquisition of the e-commerce payments processor Worldpay.

Olivia London

2019-04-03 11:35:00 Wednesday ET

A Florida fintech group Fidelity Information Services initiates the largest acquisition of the e-commerce payments processor Worldpay.

A Florida fintech group Fidelity Information Services initiates the largest $43 billion acquisition of the e-commerce payments processor Worldpay. Fidelity

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