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Search results : legal protection
2023-04-03This research delves into the public policy implications of worldwide convergence to Berle-Means stock ownership dispersion.
2010-02-02This research article provides our mathematical analysis of the gradual evolution of corporate ownership concentration around the world.
2018-09-07 07:33:00 Friday ET
The Economist re-evaluates the realistic scenario that the world has learned few lessons of the global financial crisis from 2008 to 2009 over the past deca
2018-10-07 13:39:00 Sunday ET
The U.S. greenback soars in value as the Federal Reserve continues its interest rate hike. With impressive service-sector data and non-farm payroll wage gro
2019-05-02 13:30:00 Thursday ET
Netflix has an unsustainable business model in the meantime. Netflix maintains a small premium membership fee of $9-$14 per month for its unique collection
2018-06-04 08:38:00 Monday ET
Microsoft acquires GitHub, a software development platform that has been widely shared-and-used by more than 28 million programmers worldwide. GitHub's
2019-12-01 10:31:00 Sunday ET
Goop Founder and CEO Gwyneth Paltrow serves as a great inspiration for female entrepreneurs. Paltrow designs Goop as an online newsletter, and this newslett
2019-04-19 12:35:00 Friday ET
Federal Reserve proposes to revamp post-crisis rules for U.S. banks. The current proposals would prescribe materially less strict requirements for community