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Search results : fair value spread
2012-12-12This research article empirically shows the mysterious and inexorable nexus between credit default swap spreads and interest rate surprises.
2019-05-19 19:31:00 Sunday ET
MIT professor and co-author Daron Acemoglu suggests that economic prosperity comes from high-wage job creation. Progressive tax redistribution cannot achiev
2017-02-19 07:41:00 Sunday ET
In his recent book on personal finance, Tony Robbins recommends that each investor should rebalance his or her investment portfolio *only once a year* to in
2018-12-22 14:38:00 Saturday ET
Federal Reserve raises the interest rate to the target range of 2.25% to 2.5% as of December 2018. Fed Chair Jerome Powell highlights the dovish interest ra
2018-10-27 09:34:00 Saturday ET
U.S. automobile and real estate sales decline despite higher consumer confidence and low unemployment as of October 2018. This slowdown arises from the curr
2019-02-06 10:36:49 Wednesday ET
President Trump delivers his second state-of-the-union address to U.S. Congress. Several key themes emerge from this presidential address. First, President
2018-01-12 07:37:00 Friday ET
The Economist delves into the modern perils of tech titans such as Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google. These key tech titans often receive plaudits for mak