Former Vice President Joe Biden enters the next U.S. presidential race with many moderate policy proposals.

Monica McNeil

2019-05-05 10:34:00 Sun ET

Former Vice President Joe Biden enters the next U.S. presidential race with many moderate-to-progressive policy proposals. At the age of 76, Biden stands out the presidential race as the favorite among Democratic voters in the recent polls. Biden enters the fray with a half-century of government experience with senior roles as the former chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee and vice president under President Barack Obama. On public finance, Biden cites high health care and energy costs as the primary threats to the economic prosperity of U.S. firms. Addressing these economic issues helps U.S. firms better compete worldwide. In addition, Biden supports better balancing the fiscal budget with deficit reductions. This fiscal policy stance contrasts with big tax cuts under the Trump administration. Biden indicates the essential need for U.S. banks to operate under the 5 key pillars of financial regulation: capital rules, low-leverage limitations, liquidity requirements, macroprudential stress tests, and deposit insurance constraints.

On agriculture, Biden opposes importing non-native species, which inadvertently alter domestic vegetation, compete with native species, introduce new diseases, and interfere with maritime commerce. Biden also supports a $15 minimum wage proposal, higher taxation on capital investment income, no tuition for public college students, and broader infrastructure.


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The social media factor serves as a new measure of investor sentiment in addition to the fundamental factors.

Rose Prince

2017-05-07 06:39:00 Sunday ET

The social media factor serves as a new measure of investor sentiment in addition to the fundamental factors.

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The Chinese new star board launches for tech firms to list at home.

Daphne Basel

2019-07-09 15:14:00 Tuesday ET

The Chinese new star board launches for tech firms to list at home.

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Several pharmaceutical companies now switch their primary focus from generic prescription drugs to medical specialties.

Rose Prince

2018-10-15 09:33:00 Monday ET

Several pharmaceutical companies now switch their primary focus from generic prescription drugs to medical specialties.

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House Judiciary Committee summons senior executive reps of the tech titans to assess online platforms and their market power.

Peter Prince

2019-08-18 11:33:00 Sunday ET

House Judiciary Committee summons senior executive reps of the tech titans to assess online platforms and their market power.

House Judiciary Committee summons senior executive reps of the tech titans to assess online platforms and their market power. These companies are Facebook,

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McKinsey Global Institute analyzes 315 U.S. cities in terms of how tech automation affects their workers in the next 10 years.

Dan Rochefort

2019-08-10 21:44:00 Saturday ET

McKinsey Global Institute analyzes 315 U.S. cities in terms of how tech automation affects their workers in the next 10 years.

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President Trump withdraws America from the Iran nuclear agreement and revives economic sanctions on Iran for better negotiations.

Chanel Holden

2018-05-06 07:30:00 Sunday ET

President Trump withdraws America from the Iran nuclear agreement and revives economic sanctions on Iran for better negotiations.

President Trump withdraws America from the Iran nuclear agreement and revives economic sanctions on Iran for better negotiations as western allies Britain,

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