Aradigm Corporation (NASDAQ:ARDM)

Real-time price: | Most recent change:0.00%

Aradigm Corporation, incorporated on January 30, 1991, is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of products for the treatment and prevention of severe respiratory diseases. It is focused on commercializing its products in the United States, European Union (EU), Japan and China. The Company's lead product candidate is Pulmaquin inhaled ciprofloxacin, which is in Phase III clinical trials. The Company offers AERx pulmonary drug delivery platform and other technologies. The Company's partnered programs under development include Inhaled Ciprofloxacin. The Company is also engaged in developing Smoking Cessation Therapy (ARD-1600 Inhaled Nicotine). The Company is focused on inhaled nicotine product utilizing its AERx delivery system that is focused on addressing the acute craving for cigarettes and, through gradual reduction of the peak nicotine levels, could wean-off patients from cigarette smoking and from the nicotine addiction. ...

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