2019-07-25 16:42:00 Thursday ET
Platforms benefit from positive network effects, scale economies, and information cascades. There are at least 2 major types of highly valuable platforms: i
2019-04-30 19:46:00 Tuesday ET
AYA Analytica finbuzz podcast channel on YouTube April 2019 In this podcast, we discuss several topical issues as of April 2019: (1) Our proprietary
2019-10-09 16:46:00 Wednesday ET
IMF chief economist Gita Gopinath indicates that competitive currency devaluation may be an ineffective solution to improving export prospects. In the form
2023-06-28 09:29:00 Wednesday ET
Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff delve into several centuries of cross-country crisis data to find the key root causes of financial crises for asset marke
2020-06-03 09:31:00 Wednesday ET
Lean enterprises often try to incubate disruptive innovations with iterative continuous improvements and inventions over time. Trevor Owens and Obie Fern
2019-09-30 07:33:00 Monday ET
AYA Analytica finbuzz podcast channel on YouTube September 2019 In this podcast, we discuss several topical issues as of September 2019: (1) Former