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Rampant stock market fears shake investor confidence during the recent Fed Chair transition from Yellen to Powell.

Charlene Vos

2018-02-03 07:42:00 Saturday ET

Rampant stock market fears shake investor confidence during the recent Fed Chair transition from Yellen to Powell.

Quant Quake 2.0 shakes investor confidence with rampant stock market fears and doubts during the recent Fed Chair transition from Janet Yellen to Jerome Pow

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AYA free finbuzz ebook *Trump economic reform* as of January 2019

Andy Yeh Alpha

2019-01-31 08:40:00 Thursday ET

AYA free finbuzz ebook *Trump economic reform* as of January 2019

We offer a free ebook on the latest stock market news, economic trends, and investment memes as of January 2019:

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Sprint and T-Mobile propose a major merger in order to better compete with AT&T and Verizon.

Joseph Corr

2018-05-03 07:34:00 Thursday ET

Sprint and T-Mobile propose a major merger in order to better compete with AT&T and Verizon.

Sprint and T-Mobile propose a major merger in order to better compete with AT&T and Verizon. This mega merger is worth $26.5 billion and involves an all

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Allianz chairman Mohamed El-Erian bolsters a new American economic paradigm in lieu of the Washington consensus.

Apple Boston

2018-04-20 10:38:00 Friday ET

Allianz chairman Mohamed El-Erian bolsters a new American economic paradigm in lieu of the Washington consensus.

Allianz chairman Mohamed El-Erian bolsters a new American economic paradigm in lieu of the Washington consensus. The latter dominates the old school of thou

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Ivanka Trump softens her father's brash and combative image with a social agenda toward female empowerment.

Fiona Sydney

2017-06-09 06:37:00 Friday ET

Ivanka Trump softens her father's brash and combative image with a social agenda toward female empowerment.

To complement President Trump's pro-business economic policies such as low taxation, new infrastructure, greater job creation, and technological in

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Stock market misvaluation and corporate investment payout

John Fourier

2022-11-15 10:30:00 Tuesday ET

Stock market misvaluation and corporate investment payout

Stock market misvaluation and corporate investment payout The behavioral catering theory suggests that stock market misvaluation can have a first-order

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