
Search results : robert shiller

Net stock issuance theory and practice

Becky Berkman

2022-05-25 09:31:00 Wednesday ET

Net stock issuance theory and practice Net equity issuance can be in the form of initial public offering (IPO) or seasoned equity offering (SEO). This literature review focuses on the major IPO anomalies, the key...
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Modern themes and insights in behavioral finance (Part 2)

Chanel Holden

2022-02-15 14:41:00 Tuesday ET

Modern themes and insights in behavioral finance   Lee, C.M., Shleifer, A., and Thaler, R.H. (1990). Anomalies: closed-end mutual funds. Journal of Economic Perspectives 4(4): 153-164. Lee, Shleifer, an...
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Modern themes and insights in behavioral finance (Part 1)

Laura Hermes

2022-02-05 09:26:00 Saturday ET

Modern themes and insights in behavioral finance   Shiller, R.J. (2003). From efficient markets theory to behavioral finance. Journal of Economic Perspectives 17(1): 83-104. Shiller (2003) states that...
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Fundamental value investors find it more difficult to ferret out individual stocks.

James Campbell

2017-06-03 05:35:00 Saturday ET

Fundamental value investors find it more difficult to ferret out individual stocks.

Fundamental value investors, who intend to manage their stock portfolios like Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch, now find it more difficult to ferret out indiv

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Capital gravitates toward key profitable mutual funds until the marginal asset return equilibrates near the core stock market benchmark.

Peter Prince

2019-07-27 17:37:00 Saturday ET

Capital gravitates toward key profitable mutual funds until the marginal asset return equilibrates near the core stock market benchmark.

Capital gravitates toward key profitable mutual funds until the marginal asset return equilibrates near the core stock market benchmark. As Stanford finance

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AYA free finbuzz podcast channel on YouTube March 2019

Andy Yeh Alpha

2019-03-31 11:40:00 Sunday ET

AYA free finbuzz podcast channel on YouTube March 2019

AYA Analytica free finbuzz podcast channel on YouTube March 2019 In this podcast, we discuss several topical issues as of March 2019: (1) Sargent-Wallac

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Disney acquires 21st Century Fox in a $52 billion landmark deal.

Amy Hamilton

2017-12-15 07:42:00 Friday ET

Disney acquires 21st Century Fox in a $52 billion landmark deal.

Disney acquires 21st Century Fox in a $52 billion landmark deal. This deal has a total value of about $66 billion while Disney assumes $14 billion of Fox

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Sino-American trade talks make positive progress over 3 consecutive days.

Joseph Corr

2019-01-17 10:41:00 Thursday ET

Sino-American trade talks make positive progress over 3 consecutive days.

Sino-American trade talks make positive progress over 3 consecutive days as S&P 500 and global stock market indices post 3-day win streaks. Asian and Eu

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Saudi Aramco aims to initiate its fresh IPO in December 2019.

Charlene Vos

2019-12-13 09:32:00 Friday ET

Saudi Aramco aims to initiate its fresh IPO in December 2019.

Saudi Aramco aims to initiate its fresh IPO in December 2019. Several investment banks indicate to the Saudi government that most investors may value the mi

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