2018-10-13 10:44:00 Saturday ET
Dow Jones tumbles 3% or 831 points while NASDAQ tanks 4%, and this negative investor sentiment rips through most European and Asian stock markets in early-O
2019-05-02 13:30:00 Thursday ET
Netflix has an unsustainable business model in the meantime. Netflix maintains a small premium membership fee of $9-$14 per month for its unique collection
2022-11-15 10:30:00 Tuesday ET
Stock market misvaluation and corporate investment payout The behavioral catering theory suggests that stock market misvaluation can have a first-order
2018-06-10 19:41:00 Sunday ET
Apple enters a multi-year content partnership with Oprah Winfrey to provide new original online video and TV programs in direct competition with Netflix, Am
2023-06-19 10:31:00 Monday ET
A brief biography of Andy Yeh Andy Yeh is responsible for ensuring maximum sustainable member growth within the Andy Yeh Alpha (AYA) fintech network plat
2019-02-28 20:44:00 Thursday ET
AYA Analytica finbuzz podcast channel on YouTube February 2019 In this podcast, we discuss several topical issues as of February 2019: (1) our proprieta