John Fourier

Market capitalization: $5,733,800 talents
Virtual portfolio value: $3,483,421 talents
Net overall return per annum: 18.42%AYA current rank order: #10
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Goldman Sachs chief economist Jan Hatzius proposes designing a new Financial Conditions Index (FCI).

Chanel Holden

2018-07-19 18:38:00 Thursday ET

Goldman Sachs chief economist Jan Hatzius proposes designing a new Financial Conditions Index (FCI).

Goldman Sachs chief economist Jan Hatzius proposes designing a new Financial Conditions Index (FCI) to be a weighted-average of interest rates, exchange rat

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Apple releases its September 2018 trifecta of smart phones or iPhone X sequels: iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, and iPhone XR.

Jacob Miramar

2018-09-15 11:35:00 Saturday ET

Apple releases its September 2018 trifecta of smart phones or iPhone X sequels: iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, and iPhone XR.

Apple releases its September 2018 trifecta of smart phones or iPhone X sequels: iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, and iPhone XR. Both iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max ha

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President Trump announces the new trilateral trade agreement among America, Canada, and Mexico.

Chanel Holden

2018-10-01 07:33:00 Monday ET

President Trump announces the new trilateral trade agreement among America, Canada, and Mexico.

President Trump announces the new trilateral trade agreement among America, Canada, and Mexico: the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) replaces and revamp

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The Trump administration blames China for egregious currency misalignment.

Olivia London

2018-10-17 12:33:00 Wednesday ET

The Trump administration blames China for egregious currency misalignment.

The Trump administration blames China for egregious currency misalignment, but this criticism cannot confirm *currency manipulation* on the part of the Chin

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U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson encounters Brexit defeat during his new premiership.

Chanel Holden

2019-10-15 09:13:00 Tuesday ET

U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson encounters Brexit defeat during his new premiership.

U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson encounters defeat during his new premiership. The first major vote would pave the path of least resistance to passing a no

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Microsoft acquires GitHub, a software development platform that has been widely shared-and-used by 28 million programmers worldwide.

Joseph Corr

2018-06-04 08:38:00 Monday ET

Microsoft acquires GitHub, a software development platform that has been widely shared-and-used by 28 million programmers worldwide.

Microsoft acquires GitHub, a software development platform that has been widely shared-and-used by more than 28 million programmers worldwide. GitHub's

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