RLI Corp. Common Stock (DE) (NYSE:RLI)

Real-time price: | Most recent change:0.00%

RLI Corp. is a specialty property-casualty underwriter that caters primarily to niche markets through its main operating subsidiary, RLI Insurance Company. Other subsidiaries include Mt. Hawley Insurance Company and RLI Indemnity Company. RLI Corp. classifies its operations into three distinct segments - Casualty, Property, and Surety. Casualty segment comprises general liability, personal umbrella, transportation, executive products, commercial umbrella, multi-peril program business, and other specialty coverage. Property segment provides commercial property coverage, including excess and surplus lines and specialty insurance such as fire, earthquake, flood and inland marine. Surety segment specializes in writing small-to-large commercial and small contract surety coverage, as well as those for the energy , petrochemical and refining industries. RLI Corp. distributes its products through branch offices to wholesale and retail brokers, independent agents and e-commerce channels....

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